More Sales Call Appointments with Tailored Follow-Up Emails for Sales Inquiries

More Sales Call Appointments with Tailored Follow-Up Emails for Sales Inquiries

Form that Generates Personalized Responses Based on User Analysis

Form that Generates Personalized Responses Based on User Analysis


User Analysis

Analyze user interactions to determine which sections and pages they have viewed before submitting the form.

Auto-generated emails

Automate personalized follow-ups. Send targeted emails based on what pages users visit, forms they complete, and content they engage with.


Easily find prospects and gather information using email search tools from and Hunter.

How it works

How to Create Personalized Follow-Up Emails Automatically

Create a form and embed it and analytics tag into your website.
Monitor each user’s behavior, including clicks and page visits.
Once the user submits the form, AI generates a personalized email using user analysis.






2500 responses and lead scoring

2500 lead scoring per month

Unlimited co-edit emails

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10000 responses and lead scoring

10000 lead scoring per month

Unlimited co-edit emails


Custom Pricing

<10000 responses and lead scoring

Unlimited co-edit emails

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